This Politeknik Malaysia application is an application that has been designed to enable the users to find information that related to Polytechnic. It comes with a list of programs offered at each Polytechnic in Malaysia. Users can also browse the Official Portal of each Polytechnic through the link that included in this application. The song of Polytechnic Malaysia is also provided.
Aplikasi Politeknik Malaysia ini merupakan sebuah aplikasi yang telah direkabentuk bagi memudahkan para pengguna mencari maklumat yang berkaitan Politeknik. Ianya dilengkapi dengan senarai program yang ditawarkan di setiap Politeknik di Malaysia. Para pengguna juga boleh melayari Portal Rasmi setiap Politeknik melalui pautan yang telah disertakan di dalam aplikasi ini. Lagu Politeknik Malaysia juga turut disertakan bagi memudahkan bakal pelajar Politeknik khasnya, untuk mendengar lagu ini buat pertama kalinya.
This is an application Polytechnic Malaysia that's application has been Designed to enable the users to find information related to Polytechnic that's. It Come with a list of programs offered at each Polytechnic in Malaysia. Users cans also browse the Official Portal of each Polytechnic that's through the link included in this application. The song of the Polytechnic Malaysia is also provided.
Malaysia Open Application is an application that has been designed to enable the users to find information related to Polytechnic. It comes with a list of programs offered at each polytechnic in Malaysia. The users can also browse all Polytechnic Portal through a link included in this application. Malaysian Polytechnic song is also provided to enable them to Polytechnic students in particular, to hear this song for the first time.